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EUEC26 Logo No Dates

January 2026 | Amsterdam

University Design Forum


University Design Forum

The European Universities Estates Congress is held in collaboration with the University Design Forum

UDF Logo

University Design Forum (formerly Higher Education Design Quality Forum) is an independent organisation which exists to promote high quality design in university campuses, buildings and facilities, in the knowledge that this enhances teaching, learning, research and public engagement.

University Design Forum achieves its objectives by organising tours, workshops and debates across the UK plus an overseas tour and a topic-based conference annually. The outcome of these events and research undertaken by the forum is made available to its members and the public using online and printed publications, exhibitions and film.

HEDQF was formed in the early 1990s, and later established as a registered and charitable company.  We moved to become University Design Forum during 2022.

Trevor Wills, Chair of the University Design Forum

Trevor Wills, Chair of the University Design Forum

The forum has a membership of over 190 organisations including its Founder Members comprising 33 universities, the Association of University Directors of Estates and 48 other organisations and companies.

The forum strives to maintain a balance of representation from higher education (both academics and estates professionals) and from architecture, design, engineering and construction.  See UDF Vision and Values

PDF copies of University Design Forum’s registration, constitution and list of officers are available to download from the Resources section.  


Please click here for more information about the University Design Forum

Sponsor Partners

AECOM        Arcadis