Refurbishment & Retrofit
Good Estate Management
Net Zero
Embodied Carbon
Conference Topics include:
Good Design
Case-Studies/Post Occupancy Evaluation
Student Experience
Health & Wellbeing
Technology & AI
Research into Practice
And many more…
There will be 3 conference stages for education estates professionals to come together to share knowledge and best practice to take back to their universities.
Conference Topics include:
Refurbishment & Retrofit
Good Estate Management
Net Zero
Embodied Carbon
Good Design
Case-Studies/Post Occupancy Evaluation
Student Experience
Health & Wellbeing
Technology & AI
Research into Practice
And many more…
There will be 3 conference stages for education estates professionals to come together to share knowledge and best practice to take back to their universities. In addition to the 3 dedicated conference stages there will be a workshop/roundtable area for education estates professionals to deep dive into selected conference themes across the two days.